UX/UI Bootcamp
Bootcamp Team
Amy Dempsey
Bootcamp Manager
Belen Moran
Bootcamp Manager

UX/UI Design Bootcamp

Weekly schedule

Every week you'll join live classes and receive feedback directly in Figma on your case study.  As well as attending live sessions, we recommend allocating 6hrs a week to completing Bootcamp tasks

Live UX/UI Class

Monday & Wednesday · 90m

Join live classes and collaborate with your classmates



We recommend spending 6hrs a week completing tasks

Weekly schedule


Live Class

5:30 - 7:30pm

Live classes are an opportunity to learn live in Figma and other tools with your class. Every live class is practical with a range of theory modules and activities to learn-by-doing. You'll be invited to live classes by our Bootcamp Manager and your teacher will share the class link every week in slack.




On Tuesday you will receive actionable feedback from a member of our teaching team on your case study in Figma. Within your case study you can tag teachers and ask questions in the area provided.


Live Class

5:30 - 7:30pm

Live classes are an opportunity to learn live in Figma and other tools with your class. Every live class is practical with a range of theory modules and activities to learn-by-doing. You'll be invited to live classes by our Bootcamp Manager and your teacher will share the class link every week inslack.




On Thursday you will receive actionable feedback from a member of our teaching team on your case study in Figma. Within your case study you can tag teachers and ask questions in the area provided.




On Friday you will receive actionable feedback from a member of our teaching team on your case study in Figma. Within your case study you can tag teachers and ask questions in the area provided.


Our curriculum is designed to help you learn UX and UI in parallel. Each week you'll attend live classes and practice your skills with case study tasks. We also advise you complete weekly theory ready to build a core understanding of the realities of the industry.

Week 1:

Qualitative Research

Week 1

During the first week of Bootcamp you'll learn the importance of balancing business goals and user needs. Bootcamp starts with sprint planning and estimation of your first design tasks which is a qualitative research survey

  • Understand business goals and user needs
  • Learn sprint planning and design estimation
  • Create and distribute a qualitative research survey

Week 2:

Synthesis & Affinity Mapping

Week 2

During the second week of Bootcamp you'll synthesise the data you've gathered in Dovetail and learn how to prioritise problems using an affinity map

  • Form a tagging taxonomy in Dovetail
  • Highlight key trends and identify golden nuggets of research
  • Form an affinity map to define the key user problems

Week 3:

IA & Ideation

Week 3

With the problems clearly defined using Dovetail, you'll learn how to map the information architecture of a product. IA helps you understand the hierarchy and function of a product which makes ideation a lot smoother.

  • Understand Information Architecture
  • Learn a series of ideation techniques
  • Generate ideas to solve user problems and meet business goals

Week 4:

User Flows & Wireframes

Week 4

In the fourth week of our UX/UI Bootcamp you'll learn how to map user flows following industry standards. With the existing and improved flows mapped, you'll learn how to rapidly wireframe the experience in lo-fidelity.

  • Understand the value of user flows
  • Learn how to wireframe in Figma and by hand
  • Rapidly wireframe a solution to user problems
  • Understand grid systems and create grid and effect styles in Figma

Week 5:

Color & Text Styles

Week 5

In the fifth week of our UX/UI Bootcamp you'll learn how to create color and text styles. This week is an opportunity to familiarise yourself with Figma's interface and define the key styles needed to design the UI.

  • Familiarise yourself with Figma's interface
  • Create action, neutral, and feedback colors
  • Learn how to create text styles
  • Begin designing your hi-fidelity prototype in Figma

Bootcamp Break

2 weeks

After five weeks of live classes and high intensity learning, you'll be able to take a break from class to build the framework for your portfolio.  

  • Publish your job-ready UX/UI Portfolio
  • Recharge and return energised for the second half

Week 6:

Grid Layouts

Week 6

In the sixth week of our UX/UI Design Bootcamp you'll learn about grid systems and start to familiarise yourself with Auto layout in Figma. Mastering this technique is a crucial step in your UI journey and something we'll perfect over Bootcamp

  • Understand grid styles and systems in Figma
  • Get to grips with using Auto layout in Figma
  • Begin crafting your hi-fidelity pages in Figma using autolayout

Week 7:

UI Components

Week 7

With a grounding in auto layout, you'll learn about the value of creating component sets to scale your designs consistently. During this week you'll create a series of component sets for your case study and build a lean design system.

  • Understand the value of components in Figma
  • Learn about component states and prototyping
  • Practice creating components for your case study

Week 8:

Design System

Week 8

Having understood the value of components, you'll learn how Design Systems are used in the industry to help teams scale consistently. As well as understanding Design Systems, you'll learn how to prototype in Figma

  • Understand how Design Systems are valued in the industry
  • Learn how to prototype in Figma
  • Begin creating your hi-fidelity prototype

Week 9:


Week 9

Having learned how to use auto layout, create components, and build prototypes. You'll spend week nine collaborating with your team-mate to build your hi-fidelity prototype for your case study.

  • Collaborate live to design your hi-fidelity prototype
  • Following industry standards, practice iterating on your designs

Week 10:

Testing & Dev Collaboration

Week 10

In the tenth week of our UX/UI Bootcamp you'll learn how to conduct usability tests and communicate designs with developers. Developer collaboration is a key skill for any designer and you'll learn how to organise your designs for development

  • Write a usability testing script
  • Conduct a usability test on your prototype
  • Learn how to collaborate with developers for handoff

Bootcamp Break

2 weeks

After ten weeks of live classes you'll have created a series of case studies for your portfolio. During this two week break, you'll add your case studies to your portfolio and practice storytelling skills to improve how you present your case study and work.

  • Add case studies to your UX/UI portfolio
  • Practice presenting your case study

Week 11:

Research Interviews & Showcase

Week 11

During this weeks classes you'll learn how to conduct moderated research interviews and practice synthesising data in chatGPT. This is the start of your capstone case study which will be completed inline with industry standards for the final five weeks of Bootcamp. Unlike the previous case study, you'll be given guidance but are encouraged to practice the skills you've learned to find a solution to the problems you identify.

The second class of this week will be an opportunity for you to showcase your first case study. This presentation is optional and the goal of our class showcase is to help you practice presenting a case study. If you'd like to showcase during class, please reach out to your teacher who will add you to the showcase list.

  • Learn how to conduct research interviews
  • Conduct a series of moderated research interviews
  • Synthesise interviews using ChatGPT to identify user problems
  • Showcase your case study to your class

Week 12:

CJM & Desktop Layouts

Week 12

With research conducted and problems identified, you'll learn how to map a customer journey map and also get to grips with desktop layouts.

Unlike the first case study which followed every phase of the Design Thinking methodology, this capstone case study is far more inline with industry standards with time constraints. During this week, we recommend you spend time with your team rapidly ideating on how you can solve the problem you've identified through research

  • Understand the value of Customer Journey Mapping
  • Learn key Desktop Layouts
  • Rapidly ideate for your capstone case study

Week 13:

Build Week

Week 13

Similarly to the end of your second term, you'll spend this week prototyping out your hi-fidelity prototype ahead of testing. Each class this week will be an opportunity to create styles, components, and create a testable prototype.

  • Prototype a hi-fidelity solution
  • Follow best practices with styles and components
  • Organise your components into a lean desktop design system

Week 14:

Prototype Week

Week 14

Having completed your hi-fidelity prototype, this week will be your opportunity to test your prototype and work on your portfolio. Classes this week will focus on providing portfolio guidance in framer and by the end of the week you should be confident in your portfolio and have tested your hi-fidelity prototype.

  • Learn what makes a great portfolio
  • Focus on wrapping up your portfolio
  • Run a usability test on your hi-fidelity prototype

Week 15:

Careers Week

Week 15

During the final week of our UX/UI Bootcamp you'll join a series of careers sessions to prepare you for job applications and interviews. With plenty of practice, you'll graduate from our Bootcamp with your classmates and be confident in applying, interviewing and settling into a UX/UI Design career.

  • Join a series of careers sessions
  • Practice interview skills with mock interviews
  • Graduate with your classmates


Join Alumni

Week 15+

Having graduated from our Bootcamp you'll join our Alumni of UX/UI Designers around the world and be invited to ongoing career sessions, design crits, and events we host. You'll also have access to all Bootcamp materials for 12 months and encouraged to continue connecting with your classmates and teachers.

  • Connect with 3.5k+ UX/UI alumni
  • Access Bootcamp materials for 12 months
  • Join career, design crit, and Memorisely events around the world

Case studies

During our UX/UI Bootcamp you'll learn-by-doing each week by completing a series ofcase studies.

Term 1, Case study · iOS
10 weeks
Start date
Week 1
End date
Week 10
Google Forms
Business goal
"Our goal is to enhance the user experience of booking accomodation as a group. Currently, only individuals can book accomodation and encourage their friends or colleagues to pay them back after payment is made. We'd like to make it easier for groups of people to split the cost of an Airbnb when travelling together"
User Segment
The user segment we'd like to target to improve the group booking experience on Airbnb.com consists of travelers who plan trips together in larger parties, such as families, friends, and co-workers.

These users typically require accommodations that can comfortably accommodate multiple guests and offer amenities suited for group travel, such as shared living spaces, multiple bedrooms, and family-friendly facilities. They often seek longer stays and may be interested in exploring discounts or special offers for larger parties.

By catering to the specific needs of this segment, we aim to enhance their booking journey, increase user satisfaction, and tap into a relatively untapped market to drive higher revenue and gain a competitive advantage.
Please note, these metrics would be used to measure the success of your design in the industry. Given you are in an education environment, you'll add these to your portfolio to showcase how you would measure success.

Group Booking Conversion Rate:
Measure the percentage of visitors who visit the group booking section of the website and end up completing a booking. A higher conversion rate indicates that the design changes are effectively encouraging more group travelers to book accommodations.

Average Booking Value for Group Reservations: Calculate the average amount spent on group bookings. An increase in this metric would indicate that the changes have encouraged longer stays or higher spending by group travelers.

User Engagement with Group Booking Features: Monitor user engagement metrics such as the number of searches conducted using group-specific filters, interactions with group messaging, and the percentage of users creating and managing group profiles. Higher engagement demonstrates that users find value in these features.

Repeat Bookings for Group Travel: Track the percentage of users who book accommodations for group travel more than once within a specific timeframe. Higher repeat booking rates demonstrate improved customer loyalty among group travelers.
For this first case study we'd like you to learn how Airbnb can make it easier for groups of people to book accommodation without an individual paying the entire fee.

A successful case study will demonstrate qualitative research, thorough ideation, and a hi-fidelity prototype inline with Airbnb existing UI. Importantly, you'll need to conduct a usability test and document designs for a smooth developer handoff.
- Qualitative Research Survey
- Synthesis in Dovetail
- Benchmarking, IA mapping and rapid ideation
- Lo-fidelity wireframes
- Hi-fidelity prototype
- Usability test
- Documentation for developer handoff


Each week you'll be encouraged to spend up to 6 hours per week completing case study tasks.

Term 1

Week 1:


Case study
Task 1

Write a qualitative research survey following the template in your UX Research Figjam file. With your questions set, add them to a google form and distribute this amongst the target user segment of your first case study. Aim to have between 10-20 survey responses.

Week 2:


Case study
Task 1

Within Dovetail, setup a new research project and add survey results following the steps documented in class.

Google Forms -> Dovetail Tutorial

Task 2

Within Dovetail, create your tagging taxonomy to help identify the trends in your survey research. As you read through survey results you will likely add more tags. Aim to have a maximum of 25 tags.

Task 3

Having read and tagged your survey results, use the canvas feature in Dovetail to form an affinity map which will organise trends that you can then go on to prioritise.

Week 3:


Case study
Task 1

Within Figjam, conduct benchmarking of an indirect and direct competitor to learn industry patterns and identify UI patterns for your solution.

Task 2

Within Figjam, map the information architecture that currently exists within the product. The goal of this is to help identify if hierarchy and structure can be altered to improved the experience.

Task 3

Within Figjam, rapidly generate ideas following the framework you've learned to solve the problem for the user and the business.

Week 4:


Case study
Task 1

With your ideas generated in Figjam, map the existing flow for current user and an improved user flow

Task 2

Wireframe your improved experience either within Figjam or using pen and paper. Importantly, this is an opportunity to get rapid feedback and iterate on your designs.

Week 5:


Case study
Task 1

Maintaining the UI styles of the product, create the product action, neutral and feedback colors within Figma. For this task you'll be using Memorisely UI Template.

Task 2

Following the template provided in Figma, create the text styles for your experience with heading, body, and button styles.



Finish tasks

Case study
Task 1

Complete any remaining tasks from the first term of Bootcamp and enjoy your break! 

Term 2

Week 6:

Version 1.0

Case study
Task 1

Define the grid and spacing system you'll be following for your UI designs

Task 2

Using autolayout, convert your lo-fielity wireframes into hi-fidelity screens focusing on creating the layout of your design and following your spacing and grid system.

Week 7:

Version 1.1

Case study
Task 1

Complete designing any remaining screens focusing on using auto layout and using the color and text styles that you've created.

Task 2

With your auto layout screens created, identify frames within your design that have been duplicated across your screens. These repeated frames are referred to as a components. With these repeated frames identified (buttons, lists, cards etc) go ahead and create a series of component sets that will help you scale your UI design consistently

Task 3

Having created a series of component sets, apply your newly created components to your hi-fidelity screens, replacing the original frames you'd designed with.

Week 8:


Case study
Task 1

With your component sets created, organise your UI file to reflect what you learned in your Design System class.

Task 2

Having designed your hi-fidelity screens using auto layout and component sets, go ahead and connect each screen to form a hi-fidelity prototype.

Week 9:

Build week

Case study
Task 1

Given it's build week, your goal this week is to wrap up your hi-fidelity prototype ahead of usability testing next week

Week 10:

Usability Testing

Case study
Task 1

This week we'd like you to focus on writing a usability testing script and creating a usability test with your hi-fidelity prototype.

Task 2

With your usability test live and gathering data, return to your Figma file and organise this inline with what you've learned for developer collaboration so you can document how well you can collaborate with developers



Finish case study

Case study
Task 1

Complete any remaining tasks for your case study and add your first mobile case study to your Portfolio.

Term 3

Week 11:

Research Interview

Case study
Task 1

Write a research interview script in Figjam following the learnings that you gained from your live class

Task 2

Arrange and conduct 3x interviews as a team with the target user segment. Be sure to record the interviews using zoom and given you are in an education environment and practicing your skills these can be 20 minutes in length.

Task 2

Having conducted your interviews, we'd like you to synthesise the data using ChatGPT. During this week you'll learn how to write prompts that will help identify pain points and form a clear tagging taxonomy.

Week 12:


Case study
Task 1

For this first task we'd like you to create a Customer Journey Map of the existing experience to identify opportunities to improve the experience. With your CJM created you should use the remainder of this week to rapidly ideate and wireframe our a solution for your case study.

Unlike your first case study, this is your opportunity to define your own workflow in how you'd like to solve the brief.

Week 13:

Build Week

Case study
Task 1

This is your second build week and an opportunity to rapidly create a hi-fidelity prototyped solution. Following desktop best practices, your goal this week should be to create a testable prototype.

Week 14:

Build week

Case study
Task 1

With your hi-fidelity prototype done, we'd like you to write a usability testing script and test your prototype. Either you can do this as a moderated or unmoderated test using Maze.

Task 2

Organise your UI files ready for developer handoff. This is great practice and important to document in your case study.

Week 15:

Careers week

Case study
Task 1

For the final week of Bootcamp we'd like you to wrap up any loose ends and ensure all of your case studies are documented in your portfolio as well as being hyper organised in Figma following the best practices you've learned.


During our UX/UI Bootcamp you'll be working live in the tools that you'll be using everyday in the industry. As well as learning live, we've prepared a series of articles for you to read each week. As well as learning the practical skills in class, it's important to have an understanding of the theory behind your decicisons

Term 1
Term 2
Term 3


In order to graduate from our UX/UI Bootcamp you'll need to complete the deliverables below. Each deliverable should be shared with link in your squad slack channel for our team and your classmates to provide feedback.

iOS case study
The first deliverable of our UX/UI Bootcamp is your iOS case study which must be published in your Portfolio with copy supporting your decision making and testing outcomes.
In order to obtain a job in our industry you need to form a UX/UI Portfolio that can be used to showcase your work and tell a story. We will be providing you with a template towards the end of Bootcamp to help with this.
Web app case study
For the final term of our UX/UI Bootcamp you'll practice your skills on a web application case study. Prior to graduation, this needs to be delivered in your Portfolio for our team to provide feedback.


Every live class is recorded and you'll be able to access the recording 48hrs after each session.

BST UX/UI Bootcamp
Week 15
012 UXUI BST Graduation
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Week 15
012 UXUI BST Class 1
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Week 14
012 UXUI BST Class 2
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Week 14
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Week 13
012 UXUI BST Class 2
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Week 13
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Week 12
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Week 12
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Week 11
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Week 11
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Week 10
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Week 10
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Week 9
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Week 9
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Week 8
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Week 8
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Week 7
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Week 7
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Week 6
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Week 6
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Week 5
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Week 4
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Week 3
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Week 3
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Week 2
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Week 1
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Week 1
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Week 0
012 UXUI BST Kickoff
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EST UX/UI Bootcamp
Week 15
012 UXUI EST Graduation
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Week 15
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Week 14
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Week 14
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Week 13
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Week 13
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Week 12
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Week 12
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Week 11
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Week 11
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Week 10
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Week 10
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Week 9
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Week 9
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Week 8
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Week 8
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Week 7
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Week 7
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Week 6
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Week 6
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Week 5
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Week 5
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Week 4
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Week 4
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Week 3
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Week 3
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Week 2
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Week 2
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Week 1
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Week 1
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Week 0
012 UXUI EST Kickoff
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